Like a cloud about to rain, we set out in April 1998 on a life journey of settlement,
learning, work and creation in the wondrous Negev.
A primordial beginning in a natural desert environment shaped our way of life and our worldview.
The project "Illustrations from the daily life at the phoenix farm the Negev highlands"
was born out of great love for the desert environment, agricultural settlement,
and for the work and family life that have become an
inseparable part of us over the years in the Negev.
The illustrations are based on photographs and scenes from work and family life on the farm
and the desert habitat we've been fortunate to live in for years.
We continue to dream and fulfill in a magical environment that constantly changes
and surprises us anew each time.
We wish you Happy New Year!
Thanks to our great co-creators
Original photos by Antignus Family Illustration by Mica Gross
Graphic design by Milli Bar Yona, Product photography by Aluma Meshulami
Printing: Dimona Printing
and family and friends who encouraged and gave good advice along the way.

The illustrations are based on photographs we took or scenes we saw with our own eyes.
Paper: Made from high-quality paper (250 grams), 100% ecological,
recycled in accordance with the FSC standard.
The postcard is suitable for sending by mail, framing, writing a greeting,
hanging on boards and magnets for surfaces.
Examples of photographs taken over the years that we have chosen to illustrate.
In a joint process we try to bring out the magic moment.
Fortunately, we have many more wonderful moments recorded in the heart and in the camera of plants, in the forest, desert girls and working people that will continue to be published.